Properties | List of all members
<VLCFormattedMessageLogging> Protocol Reference

Protocol implemented by any logger that use a formatter. More...

#import <VLCLogging.h>

Inheritance diagram for <VLCFormattedMessageLogging>:
<VLCLogging> VLCConsoleLogger VLCFileLogger


id< VLCLogMessageFormattingformatter
- Properties inherited from <VLCLogging>
VLCLogLevel level
 Gets/sets this to filter in/out messages to handle. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Instance Methods inherited from <VLCLogging>
(void) - handleMessage:logLevel:context:
 Called by the VLCLibrary logging handler when a log message is delivered. More...

Detailed Description

Protocol implemented by any logger that use a formatter.

Its use is optional for any custom logger implementation but is actually being used in VLCKit loggers
See also
-[VLCLibrary loggers]

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: