VLC  3.0.15
Enumerations | Functions
LibVLC video controls
Collaboration diagram for LibVLC video controls:


enum  libvlc_video_logo_option_t {
  libvlc_logo_enable, libvlc_logo_file, libvlc_logo_x, libvlc_logo_y,
  libvlc_logo_delay, libvlc_logo_repeat, libvlc_logo_opacity, libvlc_logo_position
 option values for libvlc_video_{get,set}_logo_{int,string} More...
enum  libvlc_video_adjust_option_t {
  libvlc_adjust_Enable = 0, libvlc_adjust_Contrast, libvlc_adjust_Brightness, libvlc_adjust_Hue,
  libvlc_adjust_Saturation, libvlc_adjust_Gamma
 option values for libvlc_video_{get,set}_adjust_{int,float,bool} More...


LIBVLC_API void libvlc_toggle_fullscreen (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Toggle fullscreen status on non-embedded video outputs. More...
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_set_fullscreen (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, int b_fullscreen)
 Enable or disable fullscreen. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_get_fullscreen (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Get current fullscreen status. More...
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_key_input (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, unsigned on)
 Enable or disable key press events handling, according to the LibVLC hotkeys configuration. More...
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_mouse_input (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, unsigned on)
 Enable or disable mouse click events handling. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_size (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, unsigned num, unsigned *px, unsigned *py)
 Get the pixel dimensions of a video. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_cursor (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, unsigned num, int *px, int *py)
 Get the mouse pointer coordinates over a video. More...
LIBVLC_API float libvlc_video_get_scale (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Get the current video scaling factor. More...
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_scale (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, float f_factor)
 Set the video scaling factor. More...
LIBVLC_API char * libvlc_video_get_aspect_ratio (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Get current video aspect ratio. More...
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_aspect_ratio (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, const char *psz_aspect)
 Set new video aspect ratio. More...
LIBVLC_API libvlc_video_viewpoint_tlibvlc_video_new_viewpoint (void)
 Create a video viewpoint structure. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_update_viewpoint (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, const libvlc_video_viewpoint_t *p_viewpoint, bool b_absolute)
 Update the video viewpoint information. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_spu (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Get current video subtitle. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_spu_count (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Get the number of available video subtitles. More...
LIBVLC_API libvlc_track_description_tlibvlc_video_get_spu_description (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Get the description of available video subtitles. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_set_spu (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, int i_spu)
 Set new video subtitle. More...
LIBVLC_API int64_t libvlc_video_get_spu_delay (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Get the current subtitle delay. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_set_spu_delay (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, int64_t i_delay)
 Set the subtitle delay. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_media_player_get_full_title_descriptions (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, libvlc_title_description_t ***titles)
 Get the full description of available titles. More...
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_title_descriptions_release (libvlc_title_description_t **p_titles, unsigned i_count)
 Release a title description. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_media_player_get_full_chapter_descriptions (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, int i_chapters_of_title, libvlc_chapter_description_t ***pp_chapters)
 Get the full description of available chapters. More...
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_chapter_descriptions_release (libvlc_chapter_description_t **p_chapters, unsigned i_count)
 Release a chapter description. More...
LIBVLC_API char * libvlc_video_get_crop_geometry (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Get current crop filter geometry. More...
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_crop_geometry (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, const char *psz_geometry)
 Set new crop filter geometry. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_teletext (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Get current teletext page requested or 0 if it's disabled. More...
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_teletext (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, int i_page)
 Set new teletext page to retrieve. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_track_count (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Get number of available video tracks. More...
LIBVLC_API libvlc_track_description_tlibvlc_video_get_track_description (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Get the description of available video tracks. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_track (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Get current video track. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_set_track (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, int i_track)
 Set video track. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_take_snapshot (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, unsigned num, const char *psz_filepath, unsigned int i_width, unsigned int i_height)
 Take a snapshot of the current video window. More...
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_deinterlace (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, const char *psz_mode)
 Enable or disable deinterlace filter. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_marquee_int (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, unsigned option)
 Get an integer marquee option value. More...
LIBVLC_API char * libvlc_video_get_marquee_string (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, unsigned option)
 Get a string marquee option value. More...
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_marquee_int (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, unsigned option, int i_val)
 Enable, disable or set an integer marquee option. More...
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_marquee_string (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, unsigned option, const char *psz_text)
 Set a marquee string option. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_logo_int (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, unsigned option)
 Get integer logo option. More...
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_logo_int (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, unsigned option, int value)
 Set logo option as integer. More...
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_logo_string (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, unsigned option, const char *psz_value)
 Set logo option as string. More...
LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_adjust_int (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, unsigned option)
 Get integer adjust option. More...
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_adjust_int (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, unsigned option, int value)
 Set adjust option as integer. More...
LIBVLC_API float libvlc_video_get_adjust_float (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, unsigned option)
 Get float adjust option. More...
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_adjust_float (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, unsigned option, float value)
 Set adjust option as float. More...
LIBVLC_DEPRECATED LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_height (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Get current video height. More...
LIBVLC_DEPRECATED LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_width (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Get current video width. More...
LIBVLC_DEPRECATED LIBVLC_API libvlc_track_description_tlibvlc_video_get_title_description (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Get the description of available titles. More...
LIBVLC_DEPRECATED LIBVLC_API libvlc_track_description_tlibvlc_video_get_chapter_description (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, int i_title)
 Get the description of available chapters for specific title. More...
LIBVLC_DEPRECATED LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_set_subtitle_file (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi, const char *psz_subtitle)
 Set new video subtitle file. More...
LIBVLC_DEPRECATED LIBVLC_API void libvlc_toggle_teletext (libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi)
 Toggle teletext transparent status on video output. More...

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ libvlc_video_adjust_option_t

option values for libvlc_video_{get,set}_adjust_{int,float,bool}


◆ libvlc_video_logo_option_t

option values for libvlc_video_{get,set}_logo_{int,string}


string argument, "file,d,t;file,d,t;..."


Function Documentation

◆ libvlc_chapter_descriptions_release()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_chapter_descriptions_release ( libvlc_chapter_description_t **  p_chapters,
unsigned  i_count 

Release a chapter description.

LibVLC 3.0.0 and later
p_chapterschapter description array to release
i_countnumber of chapter descriptions to release

◆ libvlc_get_fullscreen()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_get_fullscreen ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Get current fullscreen status.

p_mithe media player
the fullscreen status (boolean)

◆ libvlc_media_player_get_full_chapter_descriptions()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_media_player_get_full_chapter_descriptions ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
int  i_chapters_of_title,
libvlc_chapter_description_t ***  pp_chapters 

Get the full description of available chapters.

LibVLC 3.0.0 and later.
p_mithe media player
i_chapters_of_titleindex of the title to query for chapters (uses current title if set to -1)
pp_chaptersaddress to store an allocated array of chapter descriptions descriptions (must be freed with libvlc_chapter_descriptions_release() by the caller) [OUT]
the number of chapters (-1 on error)

◆ libvlc_media_player_get_full_title_descriptions()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_media_player_get_full_title_descriptions ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
libvlc_title_description_t ***  titles 

Get the full description of available titles.

LibVLC 3.0.0 and later.
p_mithe media player
titlesaddress to store an allocated array of title descriptions descriptions (must be freed with libvlc_title_descriptions_release() by the caller) [OUT]
the number of titles (-1 on error)

◆ libvlc_set_fullscreen()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_set_fullscreen ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
int  b_fullscreen 

Enable or disable fullscreen.

With most window managers, only a top-level windows can be in full-screen mode. Hence, this function will not operate properly if libvlc_media_player_set_xwindow() was used to embed the video in a non-top-level window. In that case, the embedding window must be reparented to the root window before fullscreen mode is enabled. You will want to reparent it back to its normal parent when disabling fullscreen.
p_mithe media player
b_fullscreenboolean for fullscreen status

◆ libvlc_title_descriptions_release()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_title_descriptions_release ( libvlc_title_description_t **  p_titles,
unsigned  i_count 

Release a title description.

LibVLC 3.0.0 and later
p_titlestitle description array to release
i_countnumber of title descriptions to release

◆ libvlc_toggle_fullscreen()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_toggle_fullscreen ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Toggle fullscreen status on non-embedded video outputs.

The same limitations applies to this function as to libvlc_set_fullscreen().
p_mithe media player

◆ libvlc_toggle_teletext()

LIBVLC_DEPRECATED LIBVLC_API void libvlc_toggle_teletext ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Toggle teletext transparent status on video output.

use libvlc_video_set_teletext() instead.
p_mithe media player

◆ libvlc_video_get_adjust_float()

LIBVLC_API float libvlc_video_get_adjust_float ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
unsigned  option 

Get float adjust option.

p_milibvlc media player instance
optionadjust option to get, values of libvlc_video_adjust_option_t
LibVLC 1.1.1 and later.

◆ libvlc_video_get_adjust_int()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_adjust_int ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
unsigned  option 

Get integer adjust option.

p_milibvlc media player instance
optionadjust option to get, values of libvlc_video_adjust_option_t
LibVLC 1.1.1 and later.

◆ libvlc_video_get_aspect_ratio()

LIBVLC_API char* libvlc_video_get_aspect_ratio ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Get current video aspect ratio.

p_mithe media player
the video aspect ratio or NULL if unspecified (the result must be released with free() or libvlc_free()).

◆ libvlc_video_get_chapter_description()

LIBVLC_DEPRECATED LIBVLC_API libvlc_track_description_t* libvlc_video_get_chapter_description ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
int  i_title 

Get the description of available chapters for specific title.

p_mithe media player
i_titleselected title
list containing description of available chapter for title i_title. It must be freed with libvlc_track_description_list_release()

◆ libvlc_video_get_crop_geometry()

LIBVLC_API char* libvlc_video_get_crop_geometry ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Get current crop filter geometry.

p_mithe media player
the crop filter geometry or NULL if unset

◆ libvlc_video_get_cursor()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_cursor ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
unsigned  num,
int *  px,
int *  py 

Get the mouse pointer coordinates over a video.

Coordinates are expressed in terms of the decoded video resolution, not in terms of pixels on the screen/viewport (to get the latter, you can query your windowing system directly).

Either of the coordinates may be negative or larger than the corresponding dimension of the video, if the cursor is outside the rendering area.

The coordinates may be out-of-date if the pointer is not located on the video rendering area. LibVLC does not track the pointer if it is outside of the video widget.
LibVLC does not support multiple pointers (it does of course support multiple input devices sharing the same pointer) at the moment.
p_mimedia player
numnumber of the video (starting from, and most commonly 0)
pxpointer to get the abscissa [OUT]
pypointer to get the ordinate [OUT]
0 on success, -1 if the specified video does not exist

◆ libvlc_video_get_height()

LIBVLC_DEPRECATED LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_height ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Get current video height.

Use libvlc_video_get_size() instead.
p_mithe media player
the video pixel height or 0 if not applicable

◆ libvlc_video_get_logo_int()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_logo_int ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
unsigned  option 

Get integer logo option.

p_milibvlc media player instance
optionlogo option to get, values of libvlc_video_logo_option_t

◆ libvlc_video_get_marquee_int()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_marquee_int ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
unsigned  option 

Get an integer marquee option value.

p_milibvlc media player
optionmarq option to get
See also

◆ libvlc_video_get_marquee_string()

LIBVLC_API char* libvlc_video_get_marquee_string ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
unsigned  option 

Get a string marquee option value.

p_milibvlc media player
optionmarq option to get
See also

◆ libvlc_video_get_scale()

LIBVLC_API float libvlc_video_get_scale ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Get the current video scaling factor.

See also libvlc_video_set_scale().

p_mithe media player
the currently configured zoom factor, or 0. if the video is set to fit to the output window/drawable automatically.

◆ libvlc_video_get_size()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_size ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
unsigned  num,
unsigned *  px,
unsigned *  py 

Get the pixel dimensions of a video.

p_mimedia player
numnumber of the video (starting from, and most commonly 0)
pxpointer to get the pixel width [OUT]
pypointer to get the pixel height [OUT]
0 on success, -1 if the specified video does not exist

◆ libvlc_video_get_spu()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_spu ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Get current video subtitle.

p_mithe media player
the video subtitle selected, or -1 if none

◆ libvlc_video_get_spu_count()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_spu_count ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Get the number of available video subtitles.

p_mithe media player
the number of available video subtitles

◆ libvlc_video_get_spu_delay()

LIBVLC_API int64_t libvlc_video_get_spu_delay ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Get the current subtitle delay.

Positive values means subtitles are being displayed later, negative values earlier.

p_mimedia player
time (in microseconds) the display of subtitles is being delayed
LibVLC 2.0.0 or later

◆ libvlc_video_get_spu_description()

LIBVLC_API libvlc_track_description_t* libvlc_video_get_spu_description ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Get the description of available video subtitles.

p_mithe media player
list containing description of available video subtitles. It must be freed with libvlc_track_description_list_release()

◆ libvlc_video_get_teletext()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_teletext ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Get current teletext page requested or 0 if it's disabled.

Teletext is disabled by default, call libvlc_video_set_teletext() to enable it.

p_mithe media player
the current teletext page requested.

◆ libvlc_video_get_title_description()

LIBVLC_DEPRECATED LIBVLC_API libvlc_track_description_t* libvlc_video_get_title_description ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Get the description of available titles.

p_mithe media player
list containing description of available titles. It must be freed with libvlc_track_description_list_release()

◆ libvlc_video_get_track()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_track ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Get current video track.

p_mimedia player
the video track ID (int) or -1 if no active input

◆ libvlc_video_get_track_count()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_track_count ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Get number of available video tracks.

p_mimedia player
the number of available video tracks (int)

◆ libvlc_video_get_track_description()

LIBVLC_API libvlc_track_description_t* libvlc_video_get_track_description ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Get the description of available video tracks.

p_mimedia player
list with description of available video tracks, or NULL on error. It must be freed with libvlc_track_description_list_release()

◆ libvlc_video_get_width()

LIBVLC_DEPRECATED LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_get_width ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi)

Get current video width.

Use libvlc_video_get_size() instead.
p_mithe media player
the video pixel width or 0 if not applicable

◆ libvlc_video_new_viewpoint()

LIBVLC_API libvlc_video_viewpoint_t* libvlc_video_new_viewpoint ( void  )

Create a video viewpoint structure.

LibVLC 3.0.0 and later
video viewpoint or NULL (the result must be released with free() or libvlc_free()).

◆ libvlc_video_set_adjust_float()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_adjust_float ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
unsigned  option,
float  value 

Set adjust option as float.

Options that take a different type value are ignored.

p_milibvlc media player instance
optionadust option to set, values of libvlc_video_adjust_option_t
valueadjust option value
LibVLC 1.1.1 and later.

◆ libvlc_video_set_adjust_int()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_adjust_int ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
unsigned  option,
int  value 

Set adjust option as integer.

Options that take a different type value are ignored. Passing libvlc_adjust_enable as option value has the side effect of starting (arg !0) or stopping (arg 0) the adjust filter.

p_milibvlc media player instance
optionadust option to set, values of libvlc_video_adjust_option_t
valueadjust option value
LibVLC 1.1.1 and later.

◆ libvlc_video_set_aspect_ratio()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_aspect_ratio ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
const char *  psz_aspect 

Set new video aspect ratio.

p_mithe media player
psz_aspectnew video aspect-ratio or NULL to reset to default
Invalid aspect ratios are ignored.

◆ libvlc_video_set_crop_geometry()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_crop_geometry ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
const char *  psz_geometry 

Set new crop filter geometry.

p_mithe media player
psz_geometrynew crop filter geometry (NULL to unset)

◆ libvlc_video_set_deinterlace()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_deinterlace ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
const char *  psz_mode 

Enable or disable deinterlace filter.

p_milibvlc media player
psz_modetype of deinterlace filter, NULL to disable

◆ libvlc_video_set_key_input()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_key_input ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
unsigned  on 

Enable or disable key press events handling, according to the LibVLC hotkeys configuration.

By default and for historical reasons, keyboard events are handled by the LibVLC video widget.

On X11, there can be only one subscriber for key press and mouse click events per window. If your application has subscribed to those events for the X window ID of the video widget, then LibVLC will not be able to handle key presses and mouse clicks in any case.
This function is only implemented for X11 and Win32 at the moment.
p_mithe media player
ontrue to handle key press events, false to ignore them.

◆ libvlc_video_set_logo_int()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_logo_int ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
unsigned  option,
int  value 

Set logo option as integer.

Options that take a different type value are ignored. Passing libvlc_logo_enable as option value has the side effect of starting (arg !0) or stopping (arg 0) the logo filter.

p_milibvlc media player instance
optionlogo option to set, values of libvlc_video_logo_option_t
valuelogo option value

◆ libvlc_video_set_logo_string()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_logo_string ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
unsigned  option,
const char *  psz_value 

Set logo option as string.

Options that take a different type value are ignored.

p_milibvlc media player instance
optionlogo option to set, values of libvlc_video_logo_option_t
psz_valuelogo option value

◆ libvlc_video_set_marquee_int()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_marquee_int ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
unsigned  option,
int  i_val 

Enable, disable or set an integer marquee option.

Setting libvlc_marquee_Enable has the side effect of enabling (arg !0) or disabling (arg 0) the marq filter.

p_milibvlc media player
optionmarq option to set
See also
i_valmarq option value

◆ libvlc_video_set_marquee_string()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_marquee_string ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
unsigned  option,
const char *  psz_text 

Set a marquee string option.

p_milibvlc media player
optionmarq option to set
See also
psz_textmarq option value

◆ libvlc_video_set_mouse_input()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_mouse_input ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
unsigned  on 

Enable or disable mouse click events handling.

By default, those events are handled. This is needed for DVD menus to work, as well as a few video filters such as "puzzle".

See also
This function is only implemented for X11 and Win32 at the moment.
p_mithe media player
ontrue to handle mouse click events, false to ignore them.

◆ libvlc_video_set_scale()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_scale ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
float  f_factor 

Set the video scaling factor.

That is the ratio of the number of pixels on screen to the number of pixels in the original decoded video in each dimension. Zero is a special value; it will adjust the video to the output window/drawable (in windowed mode) or the entire screen.

Note that not all video outputs support scaling.

p_mithe media player
f_factorthe scaling factor, or zero

◆ libvlc_video_set_spu()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_set_spu ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
int  i_spu 

Set new video subtitle.

p_mithe media player
i_spuvideo subtitle track to select (i_id from track description)
0 on success, -1 if out of range

◆ libvlc_video_set_spu_delay()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_set_spu_delay ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
int64_t  i_delay 

Set the subtitle delay.

This affects the timing of when the subtitle will be displayed. Positive values result in subtitles being displayed later, while negative values will result in subtitles being displayed earlier.

The subtitle delay will be reset to zero each time the media changes.

p_mimedia player
i_delaytime (in microseconds) the display of subtitles should be delayed
0 on success, -1 on error
LibVLC 2.0.0 or later

◆ libvlc_video_set_subtitle_file()

LIBVLC_DEPRECATED LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_set_subtitle_file ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
const char *  psz_subtitle 

Set new video subtitle file.

Use libvlc_media_player_add_slave() instead.
p_mithe media player
psz_subtitlenew video subtitle file
the success status (boolean)

◆ libvlc_video_set_teletext()

LIBVLC_API void libvlc_video_set_teletext ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
int  i_page 

Set new teletext page to retrieve.

This function can also be used to send a teletext key.

p_mithe media player
i_pageteletex page number requested. This value can be 0 to disable teletext, a number in the range ]0;1000[ to show the requested page, or a libvlc_teletext_key_t. 100 is the default teletext page.

◆ libvlc_video_set_track()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_set_track ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
int  i_track 

Set video track.

p_mimedia player
i_trackthe track ID (i_id field from track description)
0 on success, -1 if out of range

◆ libvlc_video_take_snapshot()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_take_snapshot ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
unsigned  num,
const char *  psz_filepath,
unsigned int  i_width,
unsigned int  i_height 

Take a snapshot of the current video window.

If i_width AND i_height is 0, original size is used. If i_width XOR i_height is 0, original aspect-ratio is preserved.

p_mimedia player instance
numnumber of video output (typically 0 for the first/only one)
psz_filepaththe path of a file or a folder to save the screenshot into
i_widththe snapshot's width
i_heightthe snapshot's height
0 on success, -1 if the video was not found

◆ libvlc_video_update_viewpoint()

LIBVLC_API int libvlc_video_update_viewpoint ( libvlc_media_player_t p_mi,
const libvlc_video_viewpoint_t p_viewpoint,
bool  b_absolute 

Update the video viewpoint information.

It is safe to call this function before the media player is started.
LibVLC 3.0.0 and later
p_mithe media player
p_viewpointvideo viewpoint allocated via libvlc_video_new_viewpoint()
b_absoluteif true replace the old viewpoint with the new one. If false, increase/decrease it.
-1 in case of error, 0 otherwise
the values are set asynchronously, it will be used by the next frame displayed.