VLC  3.0.15
Data Fields
libvlc_dialog_cbs Struct Reference

Dialog callbacks to be implemented. More...

Data Fields

void(* pf_display_error )(void *p_data, const char *psz_title, const char *psz_text)
 Called when an error message needs to be displayed. More...
void(* pf_display_login )(void *p_data, libvlc_dialog_id *p_id, const char *psz_title, const char *psz_text, const char *psz_default_username, bool b_ask_store)
 Called when a login dialog needs to be displayed. More...
void(* pf_display_question )(void *p_data, libvlc_dialog_id *p_id, const char *psz_title, const char *psz_text, libvlc_dialog_question_type i_type, const char *psz_cancel, const char *psz_action1, const char *psz_action2)
 Called when a question dialog needs to be displayed. More...
void(* pf_display_progress )(void *p_data, libvlc_dialog_id *p_id, const char *psz_title, const char *psz_text, bool b_indeterminate, float f_position, const char *psz_cancel)
 Called when a progress dialog needs to be displayed. More...
void(* pf_cancel )(void *p_data, libvlc_dialog_id *p_id)
 Called when a displayed dialog needs to be cancelled. More...
void(* pf_update_progress )(void *p_data, libvlc_dialog_id *p_id, float f_position, const char *psz_text)
 Called when a progress dialog needs to be updated. More...

Detailed Description

Dialog callbacks to be implemented.

Field Documentation

◆ pf_cancel

void(* libvlc_dialog_cbs::pf_cancel) (void *p_data, libvlc_dialog_id *p_id)

Called when a displayed dialog needs to be cancelled.

The implementation must call libvlc_dialog_dismiss() to really release the dialog.

p_dataopaque pointer for the callback
p_idid of the dialog

◆ pf_display_error

void(* libvlc_dialog_cbs::pf_display_error) (void *p_data, const char *psz_title, const char *psz_text)

Called when an error message needs to be displayed.

p_dataopaque pointer for the callback
psz_titletitle of the dialog
psz_texttext of the dialog

◆ pf_display_login

void(* libvlc_dialog_cbs::pf_display_login) (void *p_data, libvlc_dialog_id *p_id, const char *psz_title, const char *psz_text, const char *psz_default_username, bool b_ask_store)

Called when a login dialog needs to be displayed.

You can interact with this dialog by calling libvlc_dialog_post_login() to post an answer or libvlc_dialog_dismiss() to cancel this dialog.

to receive this callback, libvlc_dialog_cbs.pf_cancel should not be NULL.
p_dataopaque pointer for the callback
p_idid used to interact with the dialog
psz_titletitle of the dialog
psz_texttext of the dialog
psz_default_usernameuser name that should be set on the user form
b_ask_storeif true, ask the user if he wants to save the credentials

◆ pf_display_progress

void(* libvlc_dialog_cbs::pf_display_progress) (void *p_data, libvlc_dialog_id *p_id, const char *psz_title, const char *psz_text, bool b_indeterminate, float f_position, const char *psz_cancel)

Called when a progress dialog needs to be displayed.

If cancellable (psz_cancel != NULL), you can cancel this dialog by calling libvlc_dialog_dismiss()

to receive this callback, libvlc_dialog_cbs.pf_cancel and libvlc_dialog_cbs.pf_update_progress should not be NULL.
p_dataopaque pointer for the callback
p_idid used to interact with the dialog
psz_titletitle of the dialog
psz_texttext of the dialog
b_indeterminatetrue if the progress dialog is indeterminate
f_positioninitial position of the progress bar (between 0.0 and 1.0)
psz_canceltext of the cancel button, if NULL the dialog is not cancellable

◆ pf_display_question

void(* libvlc_dialog_cbs::pf_display_question) (void *p_data, libvlc_dialog_id *p_id, const char *psz_title, const char *psz_text, libvlc_dialog_question_type i_type, const char *psz_cancel, const char *psz_action1, const char *psz_action2)

Called when a question dialog needs to be displayed.

You can interact with this dialog by calling libvlc_dialog_post_action() to post an answer or libvlc_dialog_dismiss() to cancel this dialog.

to receive this callback, libvlc_dialog_cbs.pf_cancel should not be NULL.
p_dataopaque pointer for the callback
p_idid used to interact with the dialog
psz_titletitle of the dialog
psz_texttext of the dialog
i_typequestion type (or severity) of the dialog
psz_canceltext of the cancel button
psz_action1text of the first button, if NULL, don't display this button
psz_action2text of the second button, if NULL, don't display this button

◆ pf_update_progress

void(* libvlc_dialog_cbs::pf_update_progress) (void *p_data, libvlc_dialog_id *p_id, float f_position, const char *psz_text)

Called when a progress dialog needs to be updated.

p_dataopaque pointer for the callback
p_idid of the dialog
f_positionosition of the progress bar (between 0.0 and 1.0)
psz_textnew text of the progress dialog

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: