VLC  3.0.15
Data Fields
Collaboration diagram for vlc_keystore:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

struct vlc_common_members obj
int(* pf_store )(vlc_keystore *p_keystore, const char *const ppsz_values[KEY_MAX], const uint8_t *p_secret, size_t i_secret_len, const char *psz_label)
 See vlc_keystore_store() More...
unsigned int(* pf_find )(vlc_keystore *p_keystore, const char *const ppsz_values[KEY_MAX], vlc_keystore_entry **pp_entries)
 See vlc_keystore_find() More...
unsigned int(* pf_remove )(vlc_keystore *p_keystore, const char *const ppsz_values[KEY_MAX])
 See vlc_keystore_remove() More...

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: