VLC  3.0.21
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
vlc_aout.h File Reference
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Data Structures

struct  audio_output
 Audio output object. More...
struct  aout_filters_cfg_t


 Maximum advance of actual audio playback time to coded PTS, above which downsampling will be performed. More...
#define AOUT_MAX_PTS_DELAY   (3 * CLOCK_FREQ / 50)
 Maximum delay of actual audio playback time from coded PTS, above which upsampling will be performed. More...
#define AOUT_FMTS_IDENTICAL(p_first, p_second)
#define AOUT_FMTS_SIMILAR(p_first, p_second)
#define AOUT_FMT_LINEAR(p_format)   (aout_BitsPerSample((p_format)->i_format) != 0)
#define VLC_CODEC_SPDIFL   VLC_FOURCC('s','p','d','i')
#define VLC_CODEC_SPDIFB   VLC_FOURCC('s','p','d','b')
#define AOUT_FMT_SPDIF(p_format)
#define AOUT_FMT_HDMI(p_format)
#define AOUT_VAR_CHAN_UNSET   0 /* must be zero */
#define AOUT_VAR_CHAN_LEFT   3
#define AOUT_VAR_CHAN_MONO   7
#define AOUT_SPDIF_SIZE   6144
#define A52_FRAME_NB   1536
#define aout_FormatPrint(o, t, f)   aout_FormatPrint(VLC_OBJECT(o), t, f)
#define AOUT_VOLUME_MAX   512
#define aout_FiltersNew(o, inf, outf, rv, remap)   aout_FiltersNew(VLC_OBJECT(o),inf,outf,rv,remap)
#define aout_FiltersDelete(o, f)   aout_FiltersDelete(VLC_OBJECT(o),f)


typedef struct aout_filters aout_filters_t
typedef struct aout_request_vout aout_request_vout_t


enum  vlc_chan_order_idx_t {


unsigned aout_CheckChannelReorder (const uint32_t *, const uint32_t *, uint32_t mask, uint8_t *table)
 This function computes the reordering needed to go from pi_chan_order_in to pi_chan_order_out. More...
void aout_ChannelReorder (void *, size_t, uint8_t, const uint8_t *, vlc_fourcc_t)
void aout_Interleave (void *dst, const void *const *planes, unsigned samples, unsigned channels, vlc_fourcc_t fourcc)
void aout_Deinterleave (void *dst, const void *src, unsigned samples, unsigned channels, vlc_fourcc_t fourcc)
bool aout_CheckChannelExtraction (int *pi_selection, uint32_t *pi_layout, int *pi_channels, const uint32_t pi_order_dst[9], const uint32_t *pi_order_src, int i_channels)
 This function will compute the extraction parameter into pi_selection to go from i_channels with their type given by pi_order_src[] into the order describe by pi_order_dst. More...
void aout_ChannelExtract (void *p_dst, int i_dst_channels, const void *p_src, int i_src_channels, int i_sample_count, const int *pi_selection, int i_bits_per_sample)
 Do the actual channels extraction using the parameters created by aout_CheckChannelExtraction. More...
static unsigned aout_FormatNbChannels (const audio_sample_format_t *fmt)
unsigned int aout_BitsPerSample (vlc_fourcc_t i_format)
void aout_FormatPrepare (audio_sample_format_t *p_format)
void aout_FormatPrint (vlc_object_t *, const char *, const audio_sample_format_t *)
 Prints an audio sample format in a human-readable form. More...
const char * aout_FormatPrintChannels (const audio_sample_format_t *)
float aout_VolumeGet (audio_output_t *)
 Gets the volume of the audio output stream (independent of mute). More...
int aout_VolumeSet (audio_output_t *, float)
 Sets the volume of the audio output stream. More...
int aout_VolumeUpdate (audio_output_t *, int, float *)
 Raises the volume. More...
int aout_MuteGet (audio_output_t *)
 Gets the audio output stream mute flag. More...
int aout_MuteSet (audio_output_t *, bool)
 Sets the audio output stream mute flag. More...
char * aout_DeviceGet (audio_output_t *)
 Gets the currently selected device. More...
int aout_DeviceSet (audio_output_t *, const char *)
 Selects an audio output device. More...
int aout_DevicesList (audio_output_t *, char ***, char ***)
 Enumerates possible audio output devices. More...
static void aout_VolumeReport (audio_output_t *aout, float volume)
 Report change of configured audio volume to the core and UI. More...
static void aout_MuteReport (audio_output_t *aout, bool mute)
 Report change of muted flag to the core and UI. More...
static void aout_PolicyReport (audio_output_t *aout, bool cork)
 Report audio policy status. More...
static void aout_DeviceReport (audio_output_t *aout, const char *id)
 Report change of output device. More...
static void aout_HotplugReport (audio_output_t *aout, const char *id, const char *name)
 Report a device hot-plug event. More...
static int aout_GainRequest (audio_output_t *aout, float gain)
 Request a change of software audio amplification. More...
static void aout_RestartRequest (audio_output_t *aout, unsigned mode)
aout_filters_taout_FiltersNew (vlc_object_t *, const audio_sample_format_t *, const audio_sample_format_t *, const aout_request_vout_t *, const aout_filters_cfg_t *cfg)
void aout_FiltersDelete (vlc_object_t *, aout_filters_t *)
 Destroys a chain of audio filters. More...
bool aout_FiltersAdjustResampling (aout_filters_t *, int)
block_taout_FiltersPlay (aout_filters_t *, block_t *, int rate)
block_taout_FiltersDrain (aout_filters_t *)
void aout_FiltersFlush (aout_filters_t *)
void aout_FiltersChangeViewpoint (aout_filters_t *, const vlc_viewpoint_t *vp)
vout_thread_taout_filter_RequestVout (filter_t *, vout_thread_t *p_vout, const video_format_t *p_fmt)


static const uint32_t pi_vlc_chan_order_wg4 []
 It describes the audio channel order VLC expect. More...

Detailed Description

Audio output modules interface