► doc | |
standalone | |
► include | |
► vlc | |
libvlc.h | LibVLC core external API |
libvlc_dialog.h | LibVLC dialog external API |
libvlc_events.h | This file defines libvlc_event external API |
libvlc_media.h | LibVLC media item/descriptor external API |
libvlc_media_discoverer.h | LibVLC media discovery external API |
libvlc_media_list.h | LibVLC media list (playlist) external API |
libvlc_media_list_player.h | LibVLC media list player external API |
libvlc_media_player.h | LibVLC simple media player external API |
libvlc_media_track.h | LibVLC media track |
libvlc_picture.h | |
libvlc_renderer_discoverer.h | LibVLC renderer discoverer external API |
libvlc_version.h | This file defines version macros for LibVLC |
libvlc_video.h | |
vlc.h | This file defines libvlc new external API |
vlc_access.h | Input byte stream modules interface |
vlc_actions.h | This file defines keys and functions |
vlc_addons.h | |
vlc_ancillary.h | Ancillary definition and functions |
vlc_aout.h | Audio output modules interface |
vlc_aout_volume.h | This file defines functions, structures and macros for audio output mixer object |
vlc_arrays.h | This file defines functions, structures and macros for handling arrays in vlc |
vlc_atomic.h | Atomic operations do not require locking, but they are not very powerful |
vlc_avcodec.h | |
vlc_bits.h | This file defines functions, structures for handling streams of bits in vlc |
vlc_block.h | |
vlc_block_helper.h | |
vlc_boxes.h | This file defines functions, structures for handling boxes/atoms in vlc |
vlc_charset.h | |
vlc_chroma_probe.h | Chroma conversion probing |
vlc_clock.h | |
vlc_codec.h | Decoder and encoder modules interface |
vlc_codecs.h | This file defines codec related structures needed by the demuxers and decoders |
vlc_common.h | This file is a collection of common definitions and types |
vlc_config.h | This file defines of values used in interface, vout, aout and vlc core functions |
vlc_config_cat.h | |
vlc_configuration.h | This file describes the programming interface for the configuration module |
vlc_cpu.h | This file provides CPU features detection |
vlc_cxx_helpers.hpp | |
vlc_decoder.h | |
vlc_demux.h | Demultiplexer modules interface |
vlc_dialog.h | This file declares VLC dialog functions |
vlc_diffutil.h | |
vlc_epg.h | This file defines functions and structures for storing dvb epg information |
vlc_es.h | This file defines the elementary streams format types |
vlc_es_out.h | Elementary streams output interface |
vlc_executor.h | |
vlc_extensions.h | |
vlc_filter.h | Filter modules interface |
vlc_fingerprinter.h | |
vlc_fixups.h | This file is a collection of portability fixes |
vlc_fourcc.h | |
vlc_frame.h | Frames definition and functions |
vlc_fs.h | The functions in this file help with using low-level Unix-style file descriptors, BSD sockets and directories |
vlc_gcrypt.h | This file implements gcrypt support functions in vlc |
vlc_hash.h | |
vlc_http.h | This file defines functions, structures, enums and macros shared between HTTP clients |
vlc_httpd.h | HTTP/RTSP server API |
vlc_image.h | This file defines functions and structures for image conversions in vlc |
vlc_inhibit.h | This file defines the interface for screen-saver inhibition modules |
vlc_input.h | Input thread interface |
vlc_input_item.h | This file defines functions, structures and enums for input items in vlc |
vlc_interface.h | VLC user interface modules |
vlc_interrupt.h | This file declares interruptible sleep functions |
vlc_intf_strings.h | This file defines a number of strings used in user interfaces |
vlc_iso_lang.h | This file defines functions and structures for iso639 language codes |
vlc_keystore.h | This file declares vlc keystore API |
vlc_list.h | This provides convenience helpers for linked lists |
vlc_list.hpp | This provides convenience helpers for using the C linked lists extension from C++ files |
vlc_media_library.h | |
vlc_media_source.h | |
vlc_memstream.h | |
vlc_messages.h | Logging functions |
vlc_meta.h | This file defines functions and structures for stream meta-data in vlc |
vlc_meta_fetcher.h | |
vlc_mime.h | Mime type recognition helpers |
vlc_modules.h | This file defines functions for modules in vlc |
vlc_mouse.h | |
vlc_network.h | Definitions for sockets and low-level networking |
vlc_objects.h | Common VLC object definitions |
vlc_opengl.h | This file defines GL structures and functions |
vlc_opengl_filter.h | |
vlc_opengl_interop.h | |
vlc_pgpkey.h | |
vlc_picture.h | This file defines picture structures and functions in vlc |
vlc_picture_fifo.h | This file defines picture fifo structures and functions in vlc |
vlc_picture_pool.h | This file defines picture pool structures and functions in vlc |
vlc_player.h | VLC Player API |
vlc_playlist.h | |
vlc_playlist_export.h | |
vlc_plugin.h | This file implements plugin (module) macros used to define a vlc module |
vlc_poll.h | Poll implementations |
vlc_preparser.h | VLC Preparser API |
vlc_probe.h | This file defines functions and structures to run-time probe VLC extensions |
vlc_queue.h | |
vlc_rand.h | This file defined random number generator function in vlc |
vlc_renderer_discovery.h | This file declares VLC renderer discvoery structures and functions |
vlc_services_discovery.h | This file lists functions and structures for service discovery (SD) in vlc |
vlc_sort.h | |
vlc_sout.h | Stream output modules interface |
vlc_spawn.h | |
vlc_spu.h | |
vlc_stream.h | Byte streams and byte stream filter modules interface |
vlc_stream_extractor.h | |
vlc_strings.h | Helper functions for nul-terminated strings |
vlc_subpicture.h | Subpictures functions |
vlc_text_style.h | |
vlc_threads.h | Thread primitive declarations |
vlc_tick.h | |
vlc_timestamp_helper.h | |
vlc_tls.h | Transport layer functions |
vlc_tracer.h | Tracing functions |
vlc_update.h | VLC software update interface |
vlc_url.h | |
vlc_variables.h | VLC object variables and callbacks interface |
vlc_vector.h | This provides convenience helpers for vectors |
vlc_video_splitter.h | This file defines the structure and types used by video splitter filters |
vlc_viewpoint.h | Video and audio viewpoint struct and helpers |
vlc_vlm.h | VLC stream manager interface |
vlc_vout.h | Video output thread interface |
vlc_vout_display.h | Video output display modules interface |
vlc_vout_osd.h | Overlay text and widgets |
vlc_window.h | Window modules interface |
vlc_xlib.h | |
vlc_xml.h | This file defines functions and structures to handle xml tags in vlc |
► modules | |
► access | |
► http | |
access.c | |
chunked.c | |
conn.h | |
connmgr.c | |
connmgr.h | |
file.c | |
file.h | |
h1conn.c | |
h2conn.c | |
h2frame.c | |
h2frame.h | |
h2output.c | |
h2output.h | |
hpack.c | |
hpack.h | |
hpackenc.c | |
live.c | |
live.h | |
message.c | |
message.h | |
outfile.c | |
outfile.h | |
ports.c | |
resource.c | |
resource.h | |
transport.h | |
tunnel.c | |
► rtp | |
ac3.c | RTP AC-3 and E-AC-3 payload format parser |
datagram.c | |
fmtp.h | SDP format parameters (fmtp) helpers |
h264.c | |
h265.c | |
h26x.h | |
input.c | RTP packet input |
input.h | RTP demux input shared declarations |
mpeg12.c | Real-Time Protocol MPEG 1/2 payload format parser |
mpeg4.c | |
opus.c | Real-Time Protocol Opus payload format parser |
pcm.c | Real-Time Protocol (RTP) sample-based audio This files defines the same-based RTP payload formats (mostly from RFC3551) including linear, logarithmic and adaptive audio formats |
raw.c | Real-Time Protocol raw video payload format parser |
rtp.c | Real-Time Protocol (RTP) demux module for VLC media player |
rtp.h | RTP demux module shared declarations |
rtpfmt.c | |
sdp.c | Real-Time Protocol (RTP) demux module for VLC media player |
sdp.h | Session Description Protocol (SDP) |
session.c | RTP session handling |
srtp.c | |
srtp.h | |
vlc_dtls.h | |
xiph.c | Real-Time Protocol (RTP) Xiph payloads receival |
► src | |
► android | |
error.c | |
specific.c | |
thread.c | |
► audio_output | |
aout_internal.h | |
common.c | |
dec.c | |
filters.c | |
meter.c | |
output.c | |
volume.c | |
► clock | |
clock.c | |
clock.h | |
clock_internal.c | |
clock_internal.h | |
input_clock.c | |
input_clock.h | |
► config | |
ansi_term.h | |
cat.c | |
chain.c | |
cmdline.c | |
configuration.h | |
core.c | |
dirs.c | |
file.c | |
getopt.c | |
help.c | |
intf.c | |
jaro_winkler.c | |
vlc_getopt.h | |
vlc_jaro_winkler.h | |
► darwin | |
dirs.m | |
error.c | |
netconf.m | |
specific.c | |
thread.c | |
► emscripten | |
netconf.c | |
thread.c | |
► freebsd | |
cpu.c | |
thread.c | |
► input | |
access.c | |
attachment.c | |
decoder.c | The input decoder connects the input client pushing data to the decoder implementation (through the matching elementary stream) and the following output for audio, video and subtitles |
decoder.h | |
decoder_device.c | |
decoder_helpers.c | |
demux.c | |
demux.h | |
demux_chained.c | |
es_out.c | |
es_out.h | |
es_out_source.c | |
es_out_timeshift.c | |
event.h | |
info.h | |
input.c | |
input_interface.h | |
input_internal.h | |
item.c | |
item.h | |
meta.c | |
mrl_helpers.h | |
parse.c | |
resource.c | |
resource.h | |
services_discovery.c | |
source.c | |
source.h | |
stats.c | |
stream.c | |
stream.h | |
stream_extractor.c | |
stream_fifo.c | |
stream_filter.c | |
stream_memory.c | |
subtitles.c | This file contains functions to detect subtitle files |
var.c | |
vlm.c | |
vlm_event.c | |
vlm_event.h | |
vlm_internal.h | |
vlmshell.c | |
► interface | |
dialog.c | |
interface.c | This file contains functions related to interface management |
► linux | |
cpu.c | |
dirs.c | |
filesystem.c | |
getaddrinfo.c | |
thread.c | |
► media_source | |
media_source.c | |
media_source.h | |
media_tree.c | |
test.c | |
► misc | |
actions.c | This file defines functions and structures for hotkey handling in vlc |
addons.c | |
ancillary.c | |
ancillary.h | |
chroma_probe.c | |
cpu.c | |
diffutil.c | |
epg.c | |
es_format.c | |
executor.c | |
exit.c | |
extensions.c | |
fifo.c | |
filesystem.c | |
filter.c | |
filter_chain.c | |
fingerprinter.c | |
fourcc.c | |
fourcc_gen.c | |
fourcc_list.h | |
frame.c | |
httpcookies.c | |
image.c | This file contains the functions to handle the image_handler_t type |
interrupt.c | |
interrupt.h | |
keystore.c | |
md5.c | |
medialibrary.c | |
messages.c | |
mime.c | |
mtime.c | |
objects.c | This file contains the functions to handle the vlc_object_t type |
objects_cxx_test.cpp | |
objres.c | |
picture.c | |
picture.h | |
picture_fifo.c | |
picture_pool.c | |
probe.c | |
queue.c | |
rand.c | |
rcu.c | Read-Copy-Update (RCU) definitions |
rcu.h | Read-Copy-Update (RCU) declarations |
renderer_discovery.c | |
sort.c | |
subpicture.c | |
subpicture.h | |
text_style.c | |
threads.c | |
threads.h | |
tracer.c | |
update.c | This file contains functions related to VLC update management |
update.h | |
update_crypto.c | This file contains functions related to OpenPGP in VLC update management |
variables.c | |
variables.h | |
viewpoint.c | |
xml.c | |
► modules | |
bank.c | |
cache.c | |
entry.c | |
modules.c | |
modules.h | |
textdomain.c | |
► network | |
getaddrinfo.c | |
http_auth.c | |
httpd.c | |
io.c | |
rootbind.c | |
stream.c | Transport-layer stream abstraction |
tcp.c | |
tls.c | Transport Layer Session protocol API |
udp.c | |
► os2 | |
dirs.c | |
filesystem.c | |
getaddrinfo.c | |
netconf.c | |
plugin.c | |
rand.c | |
specific.c | |
thread.c | |
► player | |
aout.c | |
input.c | |
medialib.c | |
metadata.c | |
osd.c | |
player.c | |
player.h | |
timer.c | |
title.c | |
track.c | |
vout.c | |
► playlist | |
content.c | |
content.h | |
control.c | |
control.h | |
export.c | |
item.c | |
item.h | |
notify.c | |
notify.h | |
player.c | |
player.h | |
playlist.c | |
playlist.h | |
preparse.c | |
preparse.h | |
randomizer.c | |
randomizer.h | |
request.c | |
shuffle.c | |
sort.c | |
test.c | |
► posix | |
dirs.c | |
error.c | |
filesystem.c | |
getaddrinfo.c | |
netconf.c | |
picture.c | |
plugin.c | |
rand.c | |
sort.c | |
spawn.c | |
specific.c | |
thread.c | |
timer.c | |
wait.c | |
► preparser | |
art.c | |
art.h | |
fetcher.c | |
fetcher.h | |
preparser.c | |
► stream_output | |
sap.c | |
stream_output.c | |
stream_output.h | |
► text | |
charset.c | |
filesystem.c | |
iso-639_def.h | |
iso_lang.c | |
memstream.c | |
strings.c | |
unicode.c | |
url.c | |
► video_output | |
chrono.h | |
control.c | |
control.h | |
display.c | |
display.h | |
inhibit.c | |
inhibit.h | |
interlacing.c | |
opengl.c | |
snapshot.c | |
snapshot.h | |
statistic.h | |
video_epg.c | |
video_output.c | |
video_text.c | |
video_widgets.c | |
video_window.c | |
video_window.h | |
vout_internal.h | |
vout_intf.c | |
vout_private.h | |
vout_spuregion_helper.h | |
vout_subpictures.c | |
vout_wrapper.c | |
vout_wrapper.h | |
window.c | |
► win32 | |
dirs-uap.c | |
dirs.c | |
error.c | |
filesystem.c | |
mta_holder.h | |
netconf.c | |
plugin.c | |
rand.c | |
spawn.c | |
specific.c | |
thread.c | |
timer.c | |
libvlc-module.c | |
libvlc.c | This file contains functions to create and destroy libvlc instances |
libvlc.h | |
missing.c | This file contains dummy replacement API for disabled features |
version.c | |