VLC 4.0.0-dev
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Caudio_format_tAudio format description
 Caudio_outputAudio output object
 Caudio_volumeAudio volume
 Caverage_tThis structure holds long term moving average
 Cdate_tTimestamps without long-term rounding errors
 Cextension_dialog_command_tCommand to pass to the extension dialog owner
 Cextension_dialog_tDialog descriptor for extensions
 Cextension_tExtension descriptor: name, title, author, ..
 Cextension_widget_tWidget descriptor for extensions
 Cextensions_manager_tExtensions manager object
 Cextra_languages_tES language definition
 Cfilter_tStructure describing a filter
 Cinput_clock_tThis structure is used to manage clock drift and reception jitters
 Cinput_item_parser_cbs_tInput item parser callbacks
 Cinput_item_parser_cfgInput item parser configuration struct
 Cinput_item_tDescribes an input and is used to spawn input_thread_t objects
 Cinput_thread_private_tPrivate input fields
 Cinput_thread_tMain structure representing an input thread
 Cinteraction_dialog_tThis structure describes a piece of interaction with the user
 Cintf_dialog_args_tArguments passed to a dialogs provider This describes the arguments passed to the dialogs provider
 Cintf_thread_tDescribe all interface-specific data of the interface thread
 Clibvlc_audio_output_device_tDescription for audio output device
 Clibvlc_audio_output_tDescription for audio output
 Clibvlc_chapter_description_tDescription for chapters
 Clibvlc_dialog_cbsDialog callbacks to be implemented
 Clibvlc_event_tA LibVLC event
 Clibvlc_media_discoverer_description_tMedia discoverer description
 Clibvlc_media_player_time_point_tMedia Player timer point
 Clibvlc_media_slave_tA slave of a libvlc_media_t
 Clibvlc_module_description_tDescription of a module
 Clibvlc_rd_description_tRenderer discoverer description
 Cmodule_config_tConfiguration item
 Cmodule_tInternal module descriptor
 Cpicture_resource_tResource for a picture
 Cpicture_tVideo picture
 Cplane_tDescription of a planar graphic field
 CrandomizerPlaylist helper to manage random playback
 Crtp_session_tState for a RTP session:
 Crtp_source_tState for an RTP source
 Cservices_discovery_descriptor_tService discovery descriptor
 Cservices_discovery_tMain service discovery structure to build a SD module
 Csout_access_out_tStream output access_output
 Csout_mux_tMuxer structure
 Cspu_area_tA few area functions helpers
 Cspu_tSubpicture unit descriptor
 Cstream_tStream_t definition
 Csubpicture_region_tVideo subtitle region
 Csubpicture_tVideo subtitle
 Csubs_format_tSubtitles format description
 Ctext_segment_ruby_tText segment ruby for subtitles Each ruby has an anchor to the segment char
 Ctext_segment_tText segment for subtitles
 Ctext_style_tText style
 Cupdate_check_thread_tNon blocking update availability verification
 Cupdate_download_thread_tNon blocking binary download
 Cupdate_release_tDescribes an update VLC release number
 Cupdate_tThe update object
 Cvariable_tThe structure describing a variable
 Cvideo_format_tVideo format description
 Cvideo_splitter_output_tStructure describing a video splitter output properties
 Cvideo_splitter_tStructure describing a video splitter
 Cvlc_audio_loudnessAudio loudness measurement
 Cvlc_audio_meterAudio meter structure
 Cvlc_audio_meter_cbsAudio meter callback
 Cvlc_audio_meter_plugin_ownerAudio meter plugin owner structure
 Cvlc_chroma_conv_entryChroma conversion entry structure
 Cvlc_chroma_conv_resultChroma conversion result structure
 Cvlc_chroma_description_tChroma related information
 Cvlc_clock_cbsCallbacks for the owner of the main clock
 Cvlc_clock_event_cbsEvent callbacks for the user of a vlc_clock_t
 Cvlc_cond_tCondition variable
 Cvlc_decoder_deviceDecoder context struct
 Cvlc_dialog_cbsDialog callbacks to be implemented
 Cvlc_diffutil_callback_tThis structure defines callback to access and compare elements from the old and the new list
 Cvlc_diffutil_change_tRepresent a change to the model, each change assumes that previous changes have already been applied
 Cvlc_diffutil_insertThe data positioned at newModel[ y ] is inserted at position index in the current model
 Cvlc_diffutil_moveMoves the data from position model[ from ] to model[ to ] the data is available either at newModel[ y ] or oldModel[ x ]
 Cvlc_diffutil_removeThe data positioned at oldModel[ y ] is removed at position index in the current model
 Cvlc_dtlsDatagram socket
 Cvlc_es_id_tOpaque structure representing an ES (Elementary Stream) track
 Cvlc_executorThe executor (also vlc_executor_t, exposed as opaque type in the public header)
 Cvlc_executor_threadAn executor can spawn several threads
 Cvlc_fifo_tInternal state for block queues
 Cvlc_gl_filterOpenGL filter, in charge of a rendering pass
 Cvlc_h2_connHTTP/2 connection
 Cvlc_h2_parserHTTP/2 incoming frames parser
 Cvlc_h2_streamHTTP/2 stream
 Cvlc_hash_md5_ctxMD5 hash context
 Cvlc_http_streamHTTP stream
 Cvlc_http_stream_cbsHTTP stream callbacks
 Cvlc_input_clock_cbsCallbacks for the input_clock_t listener
 Cvlc_keystore_entryKeystore entry returned by vlc_keystore_find()
 Cvlc_listDoubly-linked list node
 Cvlc_list_itList iterator
 Cvlc_log_early_tEarly (latched) message log
 Cvlc_log_tLog message
 Cvlc_logger_externalExternal custom log callback
 Cvlc_logger_headerMessage log with "header"
 Cvlc_logger_moduleModule-based message log
 Cvlc_logger_switchSwitchable message log
 Cvlc_media_source_metaStructure containing the description of a media source
 Cvlc_media_source_tMedia source
 Cvlc_media_treeMedia source API aims to manage "services discovery" easily from UI clients
 Cvlc_media_tree_callbacksCallbacks to receive media tree events
 Cvlc_memstreamIn-memory stream object
 Cvlc_ml_query_params_tGeneric parameter set for medialibrary queries
 Cvlc_mouse_tMouse state
 Cvlc_object_tVLC object common members
 Cvlc_once_tOne-time initialization
 Cvlc_pic_chainPicture chaining helpers
 Cvlc_player_aout_cbsPlayer aout callbacks
 Cvlc_player_cbsPlayer callbacks
 Cvlc_player_chapterPlayer chapter structure
 Cvlc_player_metadata_cbsPlayer metadata callbacks
 Cvlc_player_programPlayer program structure
 Cvlc_player_timer_cbsPlayer timer callbacks
 Cvlc_player_timer_pointPlayer timer point
 Cvlc_player_timer_smpte_cbsPlayer smpte timer callbacks
 Cvlc_player_timer_smpte_timecodePlayer smpte timecode
 Cvlc_player_titlePlayer title structure
 Cvlc_player_trackPlayer track structure
 Cvlc_player_vout_cbsPlayer vout callbacks
 Cvlc_playlist_callbacksPlaylist callbacks
 Cvlc_playlist_exportStructure received by playlist export module
 Cvlc_playlist_item_metaStruct containing a copy of (parsed) media metadata, used for sorting without locking all the items
 Cvlc_plugin_tVLC plugin
 Cvlc_preparser_cfgPreparser creation configuration
 Cvlc_queueThread-safe queue (a.k.a
 Cvlc_readdir_helperAccess pf_readdir helper struct
 Cvlc_rtp_esRTP abstract output stream
 Cvlc_rtp_es_operationsRTP abstract output stream operations
 Cvlc_rtp_pktinfoRTP packet infos
 Cvlc_rtp_ptRTP payload type
 Cvlc_rtp_pt_operationsRTP payload type operations
 Cvlc_rtp_pt_ownerRTP payload type owner
 Cvlc_rtp_pt_owner_operationsRTP payload type owner operations
 Cvlc_runnableA Runnable encapsulates a task to be run from an executor thread
 Cvlc_sdpSDP session descriptor
 Cvlc_sdp_attrSDP attribute
 Cvlc_sdp_connSDP connection address
 Cvlc_sdp_mediaSDP media
 Cvlc_sdp_ptPayload type mapping
 Cvlc_spu_updater_opsSubpicture updater operation virtual table
 Cvlc_thread_tThread handle
 Cvlc_thumbnailer_argThumbnailer argument
 Cvlc_thumbnailer_cbsPreparser thumbnailer callbacks
 Cvlc_thumbnailer_outputThumbnailer output argument
 Cvlc_thumbnailer_to_files_cbsPreparser thumbnailer to file callbacks
 Cvlc_tlsTransport layer socket
 Cvlc_tls_clientTLS client-side credentials
 Cvlc_tls_serverTLS server-side credentials
 Cvlc_tracer_entryTrace message
 Cvlc_tracer_moduleModule-based message trace
 Cvlc_tracer_operationsTracer operations returned by the module probe function
 Cvlc_tracer_traceTrace record containing the key-values from the trace
 Cvlc_value_tVLC value structure
 Cvlc_video_alignVideo alignment within the display
 Cvlc_windowWindow object
 Cvlc_window_callbacksWindow event callbacks structure
 Cvlc_window_cfgWindow (desired) configuration
 Cvlc_window_mouse_eventWindow mouse event
 Cvlc_window_operationsWindow implementation callbacks
 Cvlc_window_ownerWindow callbacks and opaque data
 Cvlm_media_instance_tVLM media instance
 Cvlm_media_tVLM media
 Cvout_configuration_tVout configuration
 Cvout_display_cfgUser configuration for a video output display (vout_display_t)
 Cvout_display_info_tInformation from a vout_display_t to configure the core behaviour
 Cvout_display_owner_tVout owner structures
 Cvout_display_place_tVideo placement
 Cvout_display_placementDisplay placement and zoom configuration
 Cvout_thread_tVideo output thread descriptor